This is a work in progress and is in no way comprehensive. I will continue to add items to it as I discover them over the course of Summer and Fall 2016! Any articles and chapters you review you should add to the class Zotero, integrated in Canvas.
- Borgman, Christine L. 2015. Big Data, Little Data, No Data: Scholarship in the Networked World. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- Graham, Shawn, Ian Milligan, and Scott Weingart. 2016. Exploring Big Historical Data: The Historian's Macroscope. London: Imperial College Press.
- Moretti, Franco. 2005. Graphs, Maps, Trees: Abstract Models for a Literary History. London and New York: Verso.
- Humanities + Design, a research lab at Stanford University: Open Access Tools
- Alexiakis, Dimitrios. 2011. "Integrated GIS, remote sensing and geomorphologic approaches for the reconstruction of the landscape habitation of Thessaly during the neolithic period," Journal of Archaeological Science 38.1: 89–100.
- Bell, Tyler, Andrew Wilson and Andrew Wickham. 2002. "Tracking the Samnites: Landscape and Communications Routes in the Sangro Valley, Italy," American Journal of Archaeology 106.2: 169-186.
- Berggren, Asa, Nicolo Dell’Unto, Maurizio Forte, Scott Haddow, Ian Hodder, Justine Issavi, Nicola Lercari, Camilla Mazzucato, Allison Mickel and James S. Taylor. 2015. "Revisiting reflexive archaeology at Çatalhöyük: integrating digital and 3D technologies at the trowel's edge," Antiquity 39.344: 433-448.
- Bevan, Andrew and James Conolly. 2004. "GIS, Archaeological Survey, and Landscape Archaeology on the Island of Kythera, Greece," Journal of Field Archaeology 29.1-2: 123-138.
- Bruno, Fabrio, Stefano Bruno, Giovanna De Sensi, Maria-Laura Luchi, Stefania Mancuso, Maurizio Muzzupappa. 2010. "From 3D reconstruction to virtual reality: A complete methodology for digital archaeological exhibition," Journal of Cultural Heritage 11.1: 42-49.
- Grey, Cam, James R. Mathieu, Antonia Arnoldus-Huyzendveld, Andrea Patacchini, and Mariaelena Ghisleni. 2015. "Familiarity, Repetition, and Quotidian Movement in Roman Tuscany," Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 28.2: 195-219.
- Harrower, Michael J. 2010. "Geographic Information Systems (GIS) hydrological modeling in archaeology: an example from the origins of irrigation in Southwest Arabia (Yemen)," Journal of Archaeological Science 37.7: 1447–1452.
- Hu, Di. 2012. "Advancing Theory? Landscape Archaeology and Geographical Information Systems," Papers from the Institute of Archaeology 21: 80–90.
- Knowles, Anne Kelly, ed. 2008. Placing History: How Maps, Spatial Data, and GIS are Changing Historical Scholarship. ESRI Press.
- Law, Michael and Amy Collins. 2015. Getting to Know ArcGIS. 4th edition. ESRI Press.
- Mlekuz, D. 2010. "Time geography, GIS and archaeology," Proceedings of the 38th Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Granada, Spain, April 2010.
- Google Refine 2.0 - Introduction (video)
- Google Refine 2.0 - Data Transformation (video)
- Getting Started with OpenRefine
- Cleaning Data with OpenRefine
- Handelman, Matthew. 2015. "Digital Humanities as Translation: Visualizing Franz Rosenzweig’s Archive," Transit 10.1: 1-20.
- Kaplan, Frédéric. 2015. "A map for Big Data research in Digital Humanities," Frontiers in Digital Humanities, 2.1.
- van Hooland, S., De Wilde, M., Verborgh, R., Steiner, T., & Van de Walle, R. 2015. "Exploring entity recognition and disambiguation for cultural heritage collections," Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 30.2: 262–279.
Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe Creative Cloud 30-day trial version
- If you do not have access to Adobe on your laptop, please don't install the free trial version until we work directly with the program in November! Note that you can buy monthly access to the Creative Cloud (which includes Illustrator) for $19.99/month if you want to have access to it for a longer period of time.
- If you do not have access to Adobe on your laptop, please don't install the free trial version until we work directly with the program in November! Note that you can buy monthly access to the Creative Cloud (which includes Illustrator) for $19.99/month if you want to have access to it for a longer period of time.
Network Analysis
- Gephi
- Cytoscape
- Palladio (watch Humanities + Digital Tools: Palladio)
- Brughmans, Tom. 2010. "Connecting the Dots: Towards Archaeological Network Analysis," Oxford Journal of Archaeology 29.3: 277-303.
- Brughmans, Tom. 2013. "Thinking Through Networks: A Review of Formal Network Methods in Archaeology," Journal of Archaeological Methods and Theory 20.4: 623-662.
- Isaksen, Lief. 2008. "The application of network analysis to ancient transport geography: A case study of Roman Baetica," Digital Medievalist 4.
- Knappett, Carl. 2013. Network analysis in archaeology: New approaches to regional interaction. Oxford University Press.
- Mickel, Allison. 2015. "Tracing Teams, Texts, and Topics: Applying Social Network Analysis to Understand Archaeological Knowledge Production at Çatalhöyük," Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory.
- Dell’Unto, Nicoló, Giacomo Landeschi, Anne-Marie Leander Touati, Matteo Dellepiane,Marco Callieri, Daniele Ferdani. 2016. "Digital reconstruction and visualization in archaeology: Case-study drawn from the work of the Swedish Pompeii Project,"Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 23.1: 73-94.
- 3D Visualization from the project Archaeology & Drones: Mapping Neolithic Structures in the Black Desert, Jordan.
- Stanford University's Spatial History Project
- Elevation of Roman Amphitheaters from Spain to Syria
- 16 of Science's Best Infographics, From Ancient Greece to Today
- Augmented Reality Sandbox with Real-Time Water Flow Simulation
- ToposText
- UCLA's Augmented Reality Sandbox
- Visualizing Data Using a 3D Printer
Text Analysis
- RetroReveal
- Voyant
- Note that Abby Scheel is leading a 'hack' session on Voyant on October 4th as part of the Discover DH: Introduction to Digital Humanities Theories and Methods
- Duffy, Sarah et al. 2013. Multi-Light Imaging for Heritage Applications.
- 3D Laser Scanning for Heritage.